Esthetic Medicine by Luxdentica creates a place where health and beauty are at the very center of attention. Here, everything we do and develop is designed with our Patients in mind. Our primary goal is prevention, regeneration, and slowing down the processes to which our skin is subjected every day. You can rely on the experience of our doctors, certified high-quality products, and professional treatments.
Consultations are conducted by Karolina Kuśnierz - a dentist and certified aesthetic medicine practitioner. Dr. Kuśnierz specializes in smile design, complemented by beautiful lip modeling, as well as anti-aging treatments. As a certified international lecturer and trainer, she conducts aesthetic medicine training for doctors and dentists in Poland, Italy, and Albania. Check out all the procedures performed at Luxdentica 3.0 Wrocławska on our dedicated website.
We have ensured that alongside top-quality treatment, Luxdentica 3.0 stands out with modern design, cozy interiors, and excellent service. Our patients appreciate the unique atmosphere of this place. See what Luxdentica Wrocławska looks like.
"Gala Beauty Stars" is a prestigious competition recognizing the most valuable beauty addresses in Poland. The places are selected based on the professionalism of treatments, quality of customer service, adherence to hygiene and medical standards, treatment results, and interior aesthetics. Luxdentica is a two-time winner of the main award.